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Why is What Counts

Dec 13, 2019

This week my mom celebrated her 70th birthday.

And I have been thinking about all the things she has taught me. There are lots, of course.

How to sew curtains and make pie and set a proper table.

When to use cold water, when to add the yeast, and when to call the doctor.

What to do when the baby won't stop crying or what to take camping or what to plant in the spring garden.

Where to find truth, where you can go through the pages of a book, and where to buy high quality dress shirts.

But of everything she taught me, the most important are the why's.

Why you sacrifice. Why you grow. Why you love.

She taught me these by the way she lives every ordinary, insignificant day of her marvelous life.

In the end, the why's are the only things that really matter.

Why do you do the things you do? Do you do it for growth? Do you do it for the stretch and the sacrifice? Do you do it for love?

In a life full of how's and when's and what's and where's, don't forget that what really counts is why.



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