Try Coaching for Yourself

I'm April Price.

Certified Life Coach, specializing in LDS, Christian, and Faith-based coaching

I help people who love God love their lives and thrive.



I'm April Price.

Certified Life Coach, specializing in LDS, Christian, and Faith-based coaching

I help people who love God love their lives and thrive.



I haven't always loved my life...

In fact, I was miserable for a long time.

A few years ago, when I looked around at my life, all I could see was a mess...

I was angry and frustrated and resentful in my marriage. I wasn't the kind of mother I wanted to be. I was overweight and out of shape. I was overwhelmed by my money and my inability to manage it. I was really disappointed in myself, that I hadn't pursued my goals or gone after any of my dreams, and I felt distanced from God.

Everywhere I looked, I was a mess and I had no hope that any of it would ever change—I had tried, but nothing ever worked for long. I felt stuck and powerless and miserable.

To make things even worse, I felt guilty and ungrateful for feeling so bad all the time.

From the outside, I had it all—a loving husband, four gorgeous children, a house, a car, running water. I should have been happy! What was wrong with me?

What I didn't know then is that my feelings of anger, frustration, resentment, overwhelm, guilt, worry, shame, distance, disappointment, and misery were all created by me.

And this was the best news ever!

Knowing that I was the creator of all the pain in my life turned out to be very good news!

Because if I was the creator of it, I could change it and create something else.

Through life coaching, I finally figured out what was really creating my problems and exactly how to fix that, and then everything changed. It was a like a domino of goodness tripped in my life and I started seeing real change in every area.  

Best of all, I felt so much better. I felt amazing. 

Coaching gave me powerful tools to be happy and create a life I love,

and once I learned them, I wanted to share these tools and skills with everyone—and so I got trained and certified at The Life Coach School in 2019.

Since then I have coached hundred of clients, for thousands of hours, from all around the world–and I have the best job in the world!

I figured out that life can be so much better than mere survival and I want everyone to know it. The life you want is out there and it is absolutely available to you—and I am here to show you exactly how to get it!

Try Coaching for Yourself

Let's get personal  


❤️ I'm a momma to four gorgeous, grown kids

🌵My husband and I are brand new empty-nesters living near Scottsdale, Arizona.

🐾 We have a little West Highland Terrier named Auggie who thinks I'm the best person in the world.

💪🏻 When I'm not coaching I love working out, doing puzzles, and watching British crime dramas.

🏔 I'm currently training for my first big endurance event—29029—that will involve climbing the equivalent of Mt. Everest in 36 hours!

✈️ My husband's favorite hobby is planning trips and sometimes he talks me into taking one.

✅ I'm am proud to be certified as a life coach from The Life Coach School.


Life Coaching is a new way to solve your problems

Most of us try to solve the problems in our life by focusing on our results and trying to do things differently—I tried it this way for years. 

But coaching is a completely different way to change your life—this is change from the inside out. In coaching you will learn that your thinking is always the true source of your problems, and so it also always the real solution.

This is a brand new way to change your life and I want you to try it for yourself.

Sign up for a free coaching consultation and see what coaching is like, what makes it different than anything else, and start changing the way you think about your life from that very first call. 

Schedule a free call

I host the 100% Awesome Podcast where you can learn more about how coaching can change your life.

Present Over Perfect

Oct 17, 2024

The Election Episode

Oct 10, 2024