Try Coaching for Yourself

Episode 21: How to Have Enough and Be Enough

Sep 26, 2019

Our brains are programmed to notice problems in order to ensure our survival.  So they are always on the lookout for the ways we don't have enough—sometimes all we can see is our lack and deficiency.

It seems like there is never enough time or money or energy or resources.  We think our lives are less somehow and we know that we will never personally measure up and be "enough."

It turns out that lack and deficiency in any area of our lives is only a thought. It's only an opinion and it's just one way of seeing the world.  We just happen to think these thoughts are true!  This is because our brain believes two things:

1.  Resources are finite and there is never enough

2.  More is always better

But what if we're wrong about both of these things?  What if we've always had more than enough, an abundance of everything we need and we just haven't recognized this truth?  

Abundance is totally available to every one of us, no matter our circumstances, because abundance is also just a thought—a way of looking at our lives.  You just have to choose to see it…and that my friends is 100% awesome.


 To get a transcript of this episode, please click this link.


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