Try Coaching for Yourself

Resolutions that Work

Dec 31, 2020

I used to feel a lot of pressure at New Years. There were so many things wrong with me and my life, so many things that needed to be fixed, that my list of resolutions was painfully long and unmanageable.

I would start off with a morning routine, an exercise routine, an eating protocol, a daily spiritual practice, and relationship goals. By the second week in, I was already exhausted and discouraged.

If this sounds familiar, let me share two thoughts to help.

1.  First, there is nothing wrong with you.
2.  Second, if there are things you want to change, just pick one.

When we set goals or resolutions from a place of self-loathing or lack, we are taking all of our action from willpower. And it just never lasts long. To really make traction we need to make changes in our thinking. We have to think different thoughts about ourselves to fuel new action.

And that new thinking takes practice and energy and focus.

And we just can't change all the thoughts about us, in all the areas, all at once.

So pick one. Pick one area of your life where you want different results, and figure out what you need to think to create that. 

I like to ask myself these questions:  

  • What result do you want?
  • What action do you think will create that result?
  • How would you need to feel to take those actions?
  • What thought will create that feeling?

And then practice thinking this thought until it is easy to think.  

This year, instead of making a list of things you need to do, pick a thought you want to think.

Your results will be automatic from there.



P.S.  My group coaching program starts next week! It is the perfect place to practice thinking new things so you can create AMAZING things in your life. Apply today!

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