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Spend Time Believing

believe happiness lifecoach mindset thought work Feb 22, 2021
Spend Time Believing

My phone does this thing where at the end of the week it tells me how much time I spent looking at it. Every Sunday it gives me a weekly report that calculates exactly how many minutes and hours from my week were used on my phone and it even compares that amount to my phone usage the week before.

I’m always surprised by the way those minutes add up!

But last Sunday when this little report popped up, it made me think about the way I spend my time, and specifically, what I spend my time thinking.

What if I could get a report from my brain about how much time I spent in belief, exactly how many minutes of my week I actively spent believing in my current goals and dreams. What if it could tell me how much time I spent not believing and how much time I used up in self-doubt or questioning if what I want is even possible.

If your brain could produce a report, what thoughts would it show you spend the majority of your time thinking?

If we want to believe something, we have to spend our time believing it. We need to spend the majority of our time believing in the result we want instead of spending most of our time questioning our ability to get it.

If I had to guess, I probably spend a lot more time in unbelief than in belief. But the most beautiful thing is that even with an imperfectly-managed mind, I’m still able to create amazing things in my life. Imagine what’s possible if I just spent a little more time in belief this week than I did last week. And a little more time in belief the week after this than I did this week. 

Imagine what I could create in my life if I spent more of my time believing it was possible than believing it wasn’t. Imagine what you could create in yours.

You don’t have to spend all your time in belief. But what could you create if you spent even a little more time there?




Applications for my next group coaching session open March 1st, but early access to the application is going out this week to everyone on the interest list.  Are you on it?! Click here to sign up and get first dibs at the application. Made for More is the best thing I’ve ever created. 

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