Try Coaching for Yourself

When You Don't Want To

Nov 03, 2022
April Price Coaching
When You Don't Want To

You’ve set a goal, you’ve made a plan. But what should you do when you don’t want to take action? On the podcast this week, I am talking about a phrase that our brain offers us every single day - “I don't want to.” 

This thought keeps us from our dreams and keeps us from living the life we want. 

Because sometimes, when our brain tells us “I don’t want to” or “I don’t want this thing,” we believe it. We think that is the truth.

But you get to choose. Today, I’ll show you the behind-the-scenes of your brain’s excuses and how to move forward anyway.


Motivation and your brain

There are two principles or truths about your brain that you need to understand.  

Our brains are programmed for survival. The three survival priorities are to seek pleasure, avoid pain and save energy. So if there is anything in your life that requires pain or discomfort, or that isn't pleasurable, or that requires energy, your brain is going to automatically try and talk you out of it. 

Your brain is subversive. It wants to be disliked. It likes to want the opposite of what you’ve decided. Think of your brain like a toddler. No matter what you have planned (even if it’s fun), they don’t want to do it. They want the activity to be their idea.

You are up against a brain that has completely different priorities than you do. 


Fighting against procrastination and your brain’s resistance

Here on Earth, we have an opportunity to create a life. So, how do we get past the fact that our brain doesn’t want to do things so we can create the life we want anyway?

The truth is that  “I” (my spirit body) and my brain (my physical body) are two separate entities that are often battling against each other. And your brain is really good at its job of surviving. It is very good at talking you out of things that are going to take energy or create discomfort or not be pleasurable.

Your job is to decide what you want and do it anyway.


How to override your brain

Don’t believe your brain. One strategy for fighting back against survival mode is assuming that “I don't want to” is always a lie. That it's always wrong. 

What if every time your brain says “I don't want to,” it's actually the opposite? 

I think you will be amazed at how much you start to get the things you actually want if you start pursuing the things that your brain says you don't want to do. 


Limit the amount of negotiating you do with your brain. Your brain is way too good at winning those negotiations. 

Be intentional about when you will negotiate with yourself and which things are simply non-negotiable. A good way to do this is to decide you will not negotiate in the present moment. If you’ve made a plan, you stick to it. Then, when it’s time to make the next plan, you can allow some negotiation ahead of time.


Lean into responsive motivation. A lot of times as humans, we rely on spontaneous desire and spontaneous motivation. When the moment comes, we want to have this spontaneous feeling of motivation that's going to drive us towards this thing. 

But this doesn’t really work for most of us. There is always more resistance at the beginning. Instead, we have to start before we feel motivated. And as we start doing the thing, we want to do it more and more.


Remind yourself of your agency. You always get a choice. You always get to choose your life, what you create, how you spend your time and energy. 

These are powerful thoughts when resistance is high. 

When you realize you don’t have to sometimes, you might just remember what made you want it in the first place. 


Focus on the result. We set goals, make plans and create habits because we want a certain outcome. 

My brain certainly doesn't want to take the action. But if I take that action, what result would it create in my life? And is it really true that I don't want that result? 

For the most part, we do want the result. And we are choosing our life based on the results we want, not on what our brain wants. 


Zoom out. Rather than thinking about what you want in this moment, zoom out to look at what you want at the end of this week…this year…even at the end of your life.

Your brain is not making decisions for the future. That’s up to you.

In this episode, I really want to offer you the possibility that everything you really want is on the other side of your brain’s “I don't want to.”

The more you ignore your brain and keep going and actually do the opposite, the more you are going to get the life you want, the more you're going to look around your life and love what you see. 

You’ll Learn:

  • Why you shouldn’t let your brain run the show
  • How to get the results you want, even when you don’t want to take action
  • 6 strategies for moving through resistance


Episode Transcript 

Welcome to the 100% Awesome Podcast with April Price. You might not know it, but every result in your life is 100% because of the thought you think. And that, my friends, is 100% awesome.

Hello podcast universe! Welcome to episode 183 of the 100% Awesome Podcast. I'm April Price, and I am feeling very lucky to be in your ears today. And I just want you to know before we say anything else and before we do anything else, that you are okay. In fact, you are better than okay! You are awesome! All of you is awesome, like the good parts of you, the bad parts of you, the discouraged parts of you, the brave parts of you, the sad parts, the happy parts, the parts that are getting it right, the parts that are making a mess of it. Like all of that, all of you, all those parts are 100% awesome!

Because remember, you are not here to prove anything, to prove that you're valuable and to prove that you're good. You are just here to learn and you are doing that learning perfectly however you are doing it. So, that's the most important thing. You can just get on with your day if you want right now. But I also just want you to know that, if you are unsure about that and if you have a hard time believing that about yourself, I want to invite you to get on a coaching call with me and to like have a chance to see yourself and think about yourself differently than you ever have.

And I just I really want to encourage you to sign up for a session with me. You only need one moment of bravery to be able to do that. And like I know how scary it is, I know how how often you have thought about it and your brain has talked you out of it and stopped you and shamed you and told you like, No, that's stupid. You will look stupid. There's no point. Like, I don't want to waste her time. I don't want to show somebody else the inside of my head and the mess that it is in, the mess that like I've created in my life. Listen, like, all of that is just your brain trying to shame you and make you wrong. And I want to be a counter to the voice in your head and tell you to sign up. My next group is starting in just a couple of months and I would love for you be able to get on a call and see if coaching is right for you so that if you want to be a part of that group, like you can know that and you can know how coaching can make a difference in your life and you can that will help you to be able to make that decision.

But like, even if you never decide to coach with me, I still want you to know that I am there for you. And I would love to be able to just get on a call with you and change your mind about some of the things that you believe about yourself right now and. I'm just here if you want my help. So, I just want to remind you of that. So, sign up for a call there is nothing wrong with where you are, but I also want you to know that it can be different, you can think about yourself differently, and you can feel different about yourself and even in one call, you will get some shifts that make you feel better, okay?

On to the episode, the podcast this week I am talking about this phrase that our brain gives us probably multiple times a day, and that is, I don't want to, okay? So, I think this thought maybe more than any other, I don't want to, I'm not sure I even want. This thing really keeps us from our dreams, it keeps us from living the life we want. A lot of us, we are all going to have times when our brain tells us this mind likes to tell me it multiple times a day, like I said. And especially when we have a plan or we make a goal in our lives, a lot of times our brain as we go to do that thing is going to pipe up and say, I don't want to and I can't tell you like again, I just finished 29029 and I cannot tell you how many times my brain told me I don't want to I don't want to go train. I don't want to get on the treadmill. I don't want to, I don't want it to hurt, right? It would tell me that.

And I remember very distinctly on the second ascent of of the actual event, I remember quite near the top. I remember having this thought like, this is not fun and I don't even want to be doing this. And my brain offering me this thought like, I don't really want to even be doing this. Like, I don't even know why we set this goal. I don't even want to be here right now. And I think that so many times. This can this can happen to all of us, right? That that we just our brain tells us, I don't want this thing. And we think that that is the truth. I remember talking to a client one time who had this goal, she wanted to get in shape and lose weight and get healthy. And I asked her why she wanted to do that? And she's like, well, I just see all these people on Instagram and they're out hiking and they're enjoying their lives and and they're active. And she's like, I want to have that, right? And so, she made this plan and we talked about like how she was going to create this and the thought she would need.

And then we got together the next week and she said, you know, I was just like going to like, follow through on my plan and then I just had this thought, like, I don't even like being outside. Why am I doing any of this? I don't even like hiking, I don't even like being outside, right? So, here she was, she's like, I have this thing that I want in my life, I want to get in shape, I want to be active. And then almost as soon as she started, her brain's like, wait a minute, you didn't even like being outside, right? And I just think, like, this happens so often that as we go to do things in our lives, no matter what it is, our brain is going to tell us. I don't want to like even this podcast, which I love so much and and like, I love creating, I love that it exists in the world. Almost every week my brain's like, I don't want to, I don't want to go in there. I don't want I don't know what to say and I don't want to write. And if we listen to that, if we listen to the I don't want to lose, there's just so much of our possibilities that we aren't going to experience.

Recently, I was watching Comedians in Cars getting Coffee with Jerry Seinfeld and he and another comedian, I can't remember which one, we're kind of talking about this and like that moment, especially at the beginning, or when you're working on new material and you get out on the stage and nobody laughs. Or you just bomb and you just feel awful, right? And they were just talking about how many times they were just like, why am I doing this? This isn't fun. I don't want to do this. And how their brain would just be like, I don't want this thing. I don't know why we're going up there every night to just get, like, ridiculed and like, no laughs and like, and if we really listen to that, I don't want to lose, we're going to live a life that isn't designed by us, doesn't contain any of the things that we really want. We're going to miss out on experiences, right?

Like if I listen to my brain during the training of 29029, I would have completely missed that experience. And so, today I really want to talk about this idea of I don't want to and I just want you to take a minute now and kind of think about in your life how many times today or this week did your brain tell you, I don't want to? And as I kind of thought about it, I was like, Oh, yeah, like on Sunday I woke up, my brain was like, I don't want to go to church. Like, almost every day it tells me like, I don't want to say my prayers or it tells me like almost every day, I don't want to go exercise, I don't want to do that right. I don't want to eat that. I don't want to eat in that way, I don't want to restrict myself sometimes, even like as I go to do my coaching, like I'll be nervous or insecure or, you know, all my brain wants to offer me doubts about my ability to do it. And I'll be like, I don't want to. Why am I even doing this? I don't want to do this right. And the thing is, it feels true, right? It feels like in those moments that it's true that I don't want to. But is it really?

How do I know the truth? How do I know what it is that I really want? How do I know that I want to get in shape or that I actually don't like being outside? How do I know that I want to go and feel the spirit or that I actually don't want to go to church? Like, how do I know what is true about what I want? And so that's where we're going to start. And I want to first give you two principles or truths about your brain that you need to understand and then what to do when your brain says, I don't want to.

Okay, so the first thing you need to know about all brains is that they are programmed for survival priorities, okay? There are three survival priorities. We call this the motivational triad, and they are to seek pleasure, to avoid pain and to save energy. And so if there is anything in your life that requires pain or discomfort or that isn't pleasurable or that requires energy, our brain is going to automatically try and talk us out of that. And it does that sometimes by saying, I don't want to. And so, that's the first thing you need to know is that brains automatically are programmed to do things that are fun and enjoyable, that don't require pain and that save energy. And so just by knowing that, you know, that, like most of the goals and the things that you want in your life are going to go against your brain's priorities. The second thing that I want you to know is. That your brain, just the nature of it, is subversive, mean that like it wants to be disagreeable with whatever you want and however, like you've decided to live your life.

So, let me give you a couple of examples. Every week I have days where I don't workout at the gym, where I have a rest day, where I just, you know, go for a walk. But I'm not like actively lifting weights so that I can allow my muscles to recover and to grow. And it's so interesting, right? Like, every day that I'm supposed to get up and go workout, my brain is like, I don't want to. And on rest days when I know I'm going to rest, my brain is like, I don't want to. I don't want to rest. Right. It's the strangest thing. Like, even though resting is part of like, the brain's priorities, it just, like, wants to, like, want the opposite of what I've decided.

Another example is just last Saturday, I had seen a clip of part of Sense and Sensibility, and I was like, Oh my gosh, that was such a good movie. And I decided I had a bunch of things that I had to do in the morning, and I decided when I get that done, I'm going to just sit down, I'm just going to enjoy that movie, I'm just going to sit and watch that movie. And when the moment came to watch that movie, my brain was like, I don't want to do this. I want to go in there and do some work in my office. I want to go like, figure out my next launch plan and figure out like all of these like tasks that I had in my in my business that I had, like, you know, decided, no, I'm going to go and watch this movie and I'm going to do those tasks next week.

I really want you to think about your brain is just like a toddler. And you know how toddlers are. Like, no matter what you have planned, even if it's fun, they don't want to do it right. They want it to be their idea. Your brain is much the same and wants it to be its idea, right? And it just likes to like not want what we want. Okay, so those are the two like, governing principles that I want you to understand that like, you really are up against a brain that has completely different priorities than you and that, like, is usually wanting to do the opposite of whatever you want to do.

Okay, so what do we do about this? What do we do about the fact that our brain doesn't want to and yet we are here on Earth. We have an opportunity to create a life. And like, how do we overcome this? I don't want to so that we can create the life that we want. So, the first thing that I want you to really understand is the difference between what you want and what your brain wants. The other day I was talking to one of my clients and she said, You know, I have these goals, and I noticed that, like, I'm not doing them. And I was talking to a friend and my friend told me. Like, well, if you really wanted to do it, you would figure out a way, but you just keep finding excuses. So, maybe the problem is that you don't really want to do it, right? And I've even heard Jim Roland say this, right, that if you really want to do something, you'll find a way. And that if you don't really want to do it, you will find an excuse. And this is why it's so confusing, right? Because we we just feel like, well, I notice I keep telling myself I want this thing, but I notice I'm not going for it so or I'm not, like, taking action towards it.

So, maybe I don't want it. And I think really here the problem is that we only have like one word for us right where we're at. We're talking about like, I don't want this thing and we're confusing that eye with our brain. And really, we are each made up of two separate entities. We have our physical body, our physical brain, and then we have our spirit body that is housed in this physical body. And so when we think I don't want to, that feels like it's us. But, you know, there's a difference between our brain and what our brain wants and our spirit and what our spirit wants. And what I told my client was, you know, if this is a goal that you keep setting, I think it's clear that you do want it, but your brain doesn't. And it's important to make that distinction. And instead of telling yourself over and over again, I don't want to I must not want to, I think it's just going to be more effective to to like, be really clear that my brain doesn't want to that my brain continues to try to talk me out of it, right?

Like, I want you to think back to my training at 29029 every day. I said to myself, I don't want to do this. But the truth was my brain didn't want to do it. I. Deep down me, the spirit, me wanted to have that experience and wanted to be prepared for it and wanted to be able to finish. And so, my brain didn't want to train, but I did. And I think it's really important that you start making that distinction instead of just saying to yourself, I don't want this. I think it's really important that you make the distinction and say, My brain doesn't want this. And I think it can be really helpful to accept that it's never your brain's job to want to your brains job, like I said before, is to survive. Your brain's job isn't to want your goals. It is a want to create something different in your life. It's job isn't to like want you to get out of your comfort zone. That is your job. And there's a difference there. There's your brain's job. And then there's your job. The spirit, you, the eternal you. You have a job. And that is to continue forward even when your brain doesn't want to. I think it's really important that you not underestimate how good your brain is at its job.

It is very good at surviving, it is very good at talking you out of things that are going to take energy or create discomfort or not be pleasurable. It is so good at that job and most of the time we underestimate how good it is, right? And we forget that we have a job as well. My brain has a job, but I do too, and my job is to do it anyway. The other thing that I want to say there is please don't make your brain's priorities mean things about you. Just because your brain doesn't want to do it doesn't mean anything about you.

Like when my brain didn't want to be on the treadmill, that didn't mean that I was a lazy person or I was undisciplined or I was unathletic. It didn't mean anything about me. It just meant my brain didn't want to do this thing. And so many times in your lives, you're letting your brain's like reluctance to do something mean, something about you. Like your brain says, I don't want to. And then you say, Oh, I'm an undisciplined person. Your brain doesn't want to. And you say, I never keep my commitments to myself. It's like, No, you really have to draw a distinction there and stop making your brain's lack of desire for the things you want mean anything about you or define you or tell you like a story about yourself.

It is just not true, your brain doesn't want to, and then it is your job to decide what you want anyway. Okay. The next thing that I want to offer you is the idea that you could just assume that I don't want to is always a lie. That it's always wrong. Like, I think actually you would probably create more of what you wanted in your life by just like, categorically deciding. Every time I hear that, I'm not going to believe it. Every time I hear I don't want to, I'm going to be like, That's not true. Right. Like, just assume that your brain is lying and then see actually see your excuses, the excuses your brain gives you as an indication of not how much you don't want it, but an indication of how much you actually want it.

So, Steven Pressfield always says that the amount of resistance that you get or the amount of excuses you have is like directly correlated to actually how much your spirit wants it. The like the real you wants it. So if there is something in your life and you keep having excuse after excuse after excuse like that is an indication that it is something that your spirit really wants because your brain is mounting like such a strong argument against it. I really want you to think about like what would change in your life if every time your brain said, I don't want to, you saw as a sign that this is actually something I really want and then went forward pursuing it.

Like really think about believing the opposite. Every time my brain says I don't want to. What if it's actually the opposite, right? It reminds me of George Costanza, who is just like, every time I have an instinct, I'm going to do the opposite. Right. And I think you will be amazed at how much you start to get the things you actually want. If you start actually pursuing the things that your brain says you don't want to. Okay. The next thing that I want to talk to you about and I know that I've mentioned it here before, but it is really useful and that is to understand that I have to limit the amount of negotiating I do with my brain. Like I said, your brain is so good at its job. And if I create a space where it can negotiate what I'm going to do, it's really good at winning those negotiations. You have to think about like some like high powered lawyer that's going in to negotiate every time you, like, have a conversation with your brain about what you are or aren't going to do, like your brain is equipped to win that argument. Okay?

And so, to help you win it more often, just don't even enter the negotiation, actually pick the times in which you will negotiate. So for me, I find that I can never negotiate with my brain about a decision in the present. So, if I'm standing outside the gym and I'm trying to go inside, I cannot have a negotiation in this present moment to decide whether or not I'm going or like when my alarm goes off, that, like, that is not the moment to negotiate. My brain is going to win, right? So, just like decide in your life, I will not do any present moment negotiations. I'm never going to sit in the present moment whether or not I'm going to do the thing. I'm always going to decide ahead of time and negotiate afterwards. So if I'm going into the gym, I've negotiated the day before. Yeah, I'm going to the gym tomorrow. And then in the present moment, I'm not going to talk about it. It's not up for negotiation. I'm just going. And then when I'm done with it, I decide, Do I want to do that again tomorrow?

So, if you think about something like I want to say my prayers every morning, you're going to make that decision the morning before or the night before. Tomorrow morning, I'm going to say my prayers. In the present moment, your brain is going to be like, We're too busy. We don't have time. I don't want to do this. It's not going to matter anyway, right? It's going to tell us all the reasons that it doesn't want to do this thing. But we're not negotiating in the present. We're going to negotiate afterwards. So we kneel down, we say our prayers, and then afterwards we ask ourselves, do I want to do that again tomorrow? And I just find that if I can move the negotiation to after I have done the thing, almost always the real me is like, yes, let's do that again, right? So, I really think it's important that you decide the terms of negotiation and never negotiate with your brain in the present moment.

It's just too good at winning those arguments. Okay. The next thing that I want to give you is to understand the idea of responsive desire or responsive motivation. So a lot of times as humans, we are relying on spontaneous desire and spontaneous motivation, which just means like when the moment like comes, I want to have this like spontaneous feeling of motivation that's going to drive me towards this thing. But for most of us, what happens, like how our motivation actually works is through like a responsive mechanism, which means I have to start. And then as I start and get started and start doing it, I want to do it more and more.

So, for most of the activities in my life, the star is the hardest. There's more resistance at at the front, your brain. Is more actively trying to stop you as you start something. So, let's say I'm going to go in and I'm going to record my podcast. Like, getting started is the hardest part. My brain's like, I don't want to. I don't know what to say. I don't know if I have anything to offer. And it's just telling me like, I don't even want to go in there. I don't want to put myself out there. I don't I don't you know, I don't want to think of what to say.

I don't want to spend the energy doing that. But once I like, get in there and get started, like, I can't stop talking. Like, oh, let me tell you this and let me tell you this. And and most things are like this. Just think about cleaning up your house. Like when you're sitting on the couch from that position, you're just like, I don't want to. Once you get up and you get going, starts like you start to get some momentum. It starts to too. You start to respond, your motivation starts to respond. And most things in our life are like this. And so, I think it's just really important that you stop expecting spontaneous motivation at the beginning and just expect, no, I'm not going to have spontaneous motivation at the beginning. I'm going to have resistance. And as I get going, like I'm going to have a response to that and my motivation is going to grow the longer I keep at it. Rich Rolle talks about this a lot, and he's always just like mood follows action. Then I had to start taking action. Then my mood is going to catch up. And this is kind of this idea that like I need to understand that for most of the activities in my life as humans, we have this responsive motivation at work here and that we need to get started. I just need to expect the resistance and know that my desire is going to build as I do the thing.

So, sometimes when I'm going to the gym, I will literally tell myself, like if I'm really having a lot of resistance to getting started, I'll just be like, let's just do one set. And as I do that one set, I'm like, okay, that feels good. I'm going to do another right? And so you just have to, like, overcome the resistance at the beginning. Okay, the next thing that I want to offer you when your brain says I don't want to, is to remind yourself of your agency. So, when a resistance is high in our brain is saying, I don't want to, when we force ourselves, sometimes that is going to make it even worse. So I like to remind myself, I always get a choice. I always get to choose like each one of us, like we value our right to choose and our our right to like, determine our life and our destiny. Like that is like deep inside all of our spirits, the fight for our right to choose, okay? And so, because that is something that is so highly valued by my spirit, I like to always remind myself that I don't have to.

I don't have to do anything. My brain's like, I don't want to. I'm like, Well, you don't have to, right? But you can choose to. And just opening it up to remind myself, I always get to choose. I get to choose my life. I get to choose what I create. I get to choose how I spend my time. I get to choose how I spend my energy. That reminds me like, no, like I don't have to do any of this, but maybe I want to. And maybe this is a choice that like my spirit actually wants to make. And so I really like to remind myself of my agency in these moments. When it comes to like what you want to eat and the way you want to spend your money and and how you want to live in your relationships. Like you don't have to do any of it. And as soon as you tell yourself you have to like we kind of like buck against that and we push against that. And so like, I like to remind myself I can eat anything I want, I get to choose. And then it reminds me like what it is I want to choose. I can spend my money anyway I want, but what is it I really want in my life? And then I just like reminding myself what my agency really helps put it into focus. The things that I really want.

And that leads me to the next thing that I want to tell you, which is to really ask yourself when your brain says, I don't want to, I think it can be really helpful to ask the question, but do I want the result, okay? So remember, like the whole reason we are starting the goal or the habit or are like trying to do this thing in our life is because we want an outcome. It's because we want the result in our life. Like I wanted to finish 29029, probably didn't want to do the training and for sure my brain didn't want to do the training, but I did want the result. And so, I think it's really important that remind ourselves about the outcome. Okay, maybe I don't want to go work in my business today or I don't want to go work out, but do I want the result and to really, like kind of ask ourselves in that moment, which is more true? Is it more true that I don't want to do this thing or that I don't want this result in my life?

So, for example, which is more true, I don't want to climb ascent or I don't want the Red Hat. Well, I know for sure it's not true that I don't want that Red hat. I do want that red hat. So, the truth is, I do want to claim ascent too, which is more true. I don't want to write today or I don't want to book on the shelf. Well, I know that I actually do want to book on the shelf. So, that means okay, I do want to write today, like really asking yourself if I do this thing, what's the result? Is it true that I don't want that result? I might not want to take the action. My brain certainly doesn't want to take the action, but is it true that I don't want that result? Is it true that I don't want to get in shape? Is it true that I don't want to lose weight? Is it true that I don't want a big chunk of money in my bank account? If I take that action, what result would it create in my life? And is it really true that I don't want that result? For the most part, we do want the result. And just because our brain doesn't want to take the action doesn't matter. We are choosing our life based on the results we want. We're not we're not choosing based on what our brain wants. If we choose what our brain wants, we're never going to get the life we want. So we have to choose based on our results, okay?

The last thing that I want to offer you is the power of zooming out. And again, this kind of goes back to not making decisions about what we want and don't want to do based on this moment. Based on right now. Based on today. Based on this hour, this minute. This moment in my life. But instead make those decisions based on longer swaths of time. For example, like, if I zoom out, what do I want at the end of this day? If I zoom out even farther. What do I want at the end of this week if I zoom out even further? What do I want at the end of this year? If I zoom out even farther, what do I want at the end of my life? I have to start making the decisions today. My brain is never making decisions for the future.

It is making decisions right here and right now. Survival right here, right now. What is pleasurable now? What is painful now? What takes energy right now? That is the only thing my brain cares about. And so, I need to zoom out and think about what do I want in a year? What do I want in a lifetime? What do I want to be sure I do while I'm here on Earth? Okay, my friends, that is what I have for you today. I really want to offer you the possibility that the more we listen and heed our brain and then quit and stop taking action when it says I don't want to, the less we actually end up with a life that we want and the more we ignore our brain and keep going and actually do the opposite.

When our brain says, I don't want to and we just take action anyway, the more we are going to get the life we want, the more we're going to look around our lives and love what we see and love what we are creating. Love who we are. Everything. The real you really wants is on the other side of your brains. I don't want to. And the more times that you do it anyway, the more times you choose what you want and not what your brain wants, the more you are going to get a life you love. And that, my friends, is 100% awesome. I love you for listening, and I'll see you next week.

Thanks so much for joining me on the podcast today. If you want to take the things I've talked about and apply them in your life so that you can love your Earth life experience. Sign up for a free coaching session at This is where the real magic happens and your life starts to change forever. As your coach, I'll show you that believing your life is 100% awesome is totally available to every one of us. The way things are is not the way things have to stay. And that, my friends is 100% awesome!

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