Feeling Our Way Through 2020

Jan 01, 2020

As you look back on 2019, what was the best feeling you felt?

Think of all the days, all the experiences, all the things that happened over the course of 365 days. Which moments felt the best? Which feelings would you like to feel again?

This is a powerful question.

So many times we think about our life in terms of what we have done or what we have accomplished or what we want to do in the future. Right now, in fact, you might be thinking about making some new goals. All of these goals are likely to be things you want to do in the coming year.

But instead of thinking about your new year in terms of what you want to do, I love the idea of thinking about what you want to feel. 2020 is a blank slate. What feelings you do want to be sure to feel during the next 365 days?

And what will you need to think in order to create those feelings?

Remember it's never what we do that creates our feelings. Every feeling is preceded by a thought not an action.

Do you want to feel excited? Do you want to feel proud? Do you want to feel confident? Do you want to feel safe or peaceful or strong? Do you want to feel more love?

We don't have to do anything to feel any of these amazing feelings. We just have to think the thoughts that will create them. How can you engineer your thinking to generate the feelings you want to feel more often?

This new year, every possible human emotion is available to you. So, how do you want to feel?

Don't you love that the choice is yours?!



P.S. If you are ready to feel amazing about you and your life, this is the perfect time to sign up for a free coaching session. Start the new year out right by getting your thoughts to work for you!

The way things are is not the way they have to stay and absolutely anything you want is possible this year. Come get some coaching and make it happen!


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